These pictures and their photographers have all inspired my own ideas in some way. Annie Leibovitz, for example, is famed for photographing innumerable amounts of famous people, for very influencial magazine's. I find her photographs to be quite solemn, yet beautiful; she manages to focus greatly on expressions and postures without them seeming posed or awkward. These are some of my favourite images of hers:
As well as this, just by browsing various photo-sharing sites I have found many other images that suit the themes of my work:
These images are all black & white- This is what the majority of the photographs in my own magazine will be like; I think that black and white photographs give an impression of character and of greatness, which is something I would like to generate for those that I photograph. I think this impression derives from how, in the origins of photography, only the most important people would ever be photographed at all- all of these images would have been in black and white, so when seen today, they immediately create illusions of superiority. Some of these images are by accomplished photographers, of famous people, whereas others are simply taken by ameteurs, but still left a lasting impression on me at least.